Your community partnership will have a direct and meaningful impact on the very community you serve.

By partnering with us, your company will not only reinforce its commitment to social responsibility but also directly support a cause that impacts countless lives in our community. One in four women experiences pregnancy loss right here in our own neighborhoods.

Businesses that engage in charitable giving experience several positive outcomes.

Consumer Perception and Loyalty:

  • 85% of consumers have a more positive image of a company that gives to charity.

  • 90% of consumers want to know how companies support charitable causes, which can significantly influence their purchasing decisions (SCORE).

Our Corporate Business Partners are an integral part of our mission at Little Angel Network, representing a diverse spectrum of industries and organizations committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of grieving families. These partners contribute not only financially but also through strategic collaboration, sharing expertise, and volunteer support that enhances our capacity to deliver impactful services such as bereavement care packages and counseling programs. Their involvement is crucial in expanding our reach and deepening our impact across communities.

Legacy of Light Partner

Hero of Hope Partners

Guardian Angel Partners

Thank You to Our Business Partners

"We are proud to stand with Little Angel Network in their compassionate mission. Seeing the real difference our contributions make in providing crucial support like perinatal loss counseling and bereavement resources reinforces our commitment to this cause. It's more than a partnership; it's a chance to be part of a larger movement that heals and nurtures society at its most vulnerable points." - Lee Woolery, LGW Services

Community Partner Levels and Benefits

Guardian Angel Level: $1,500 - $2,500

As our introductory partnership level, businesses begin their journey by funding the products or logistics of distributing bereavement care packages to local hospitals and clinics, providing immediate comfort to grieving families.

Hero of Hope Level: $2,501 - $5,000

This partnership level is tailored for businesses capable of making a more substantial impact. Contributions support both bereavement care packages and the initiation of perinatal loss counseling sessions, vital for early intervention during times of profound loss.

Champion of Compassion Level: $5,001 - $7,500

At this level, partners play a crucial role in sustaining comprehensive perinatal loss counseling programs. Their support ensures ongoing specialized care with up to four grief counseling sessions and guidance for families navigating their grief journey.

Legacy of Light Level: $7,501 - $10,000+

This premier level of partnership encompasses the full spectrum of the Little Angel Network’s initiatives. Contributions help fund advanced bereavement care training, research into effective bereavement care programs and resources, and outreach programs aimed at raising awareness and expanding support for infant loss.

Benefits of Partnership:

Brand Visibility: Gain recognition across multiple platforms including our website, annual reports, and public events, showcasing your business's commitment to social responsibility.

Employee Engagement: Motivate your staff with meaningful volunteer opportunities and matching gift programs that reinforce a culture of compassion.

Impact Reporting: Receive detailed feedback on how your contributions make a difference, complete with stories from the families your business has helped.

Networking Opportunities: Engage with a network of like-minded businesses through exclusive events and dedicated communication channels.

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